22 February 2024 at 21:32:00
How to Beat Shadowbeak and Victor
Shadowbeak is the fifth and final boss in Palworld. You will need everything the game has to offer if you hope to get through Shadowbeak's immense health and devastating damage potential.

Recommended Level:
Shadowbeak's main and most dangerous attacks are all dark type, getting a boost in strength for sharing the same type as Shadowbeak. However, since dark is weak to dragon, Shadowbeak has equipped a few very strong ice-type attacks to counter this weakness.
Spirit Flame: Shadowbeak will summon three homing projectiles that move relatively slowly. These are easily avoided by staying mobile, but be warned that they can travel through the pillars, so these do not offer coverage against them. Instead, run in a circle around them so they drop to the floor.
Dark Beam: This is one of Shadowbeak's most devastating attacks. He will charge for a few seconds before blasting a beam of dark energy over several more seconds which, if you take the full brunt of the attack, will deal absolutely devastating damage. If you aren't appropriately prepared and you take the full hit, it is enough to one-shot you outright. You must dodge sideways at the last moment right as the beam fires, and then keep dodging in the same direction until the attack is finishes.
Hyper Beam: This works the same way as Shadowbeak's Dark Beam, but it uses the common elemental type for neutral coverage against all other types. It deals tremendous damage if you take the full hit, and can be avoided by repeatedly dodging sideways at the last moment when the beam fires.
Dark Whisp: A signature move unique to Victor's Shadowbeak. This is similar to Spirit Flame, but summons many more projectiles that will all track you over a lengthy duration. They are easily avoided if you stay mobile and run sideways around them. Be warned that each projectile deals a lot of damage, so trying to soak up all of them will likely get you killed.
Divine Disaster: This is another signature move of Shadowbeak that is not exclusive to Victor. Shadowbeak will charge forward, dealing very heavy damage and summoning many golden orbs. After a short duration, all of the orbs will begin firing very fast projectiles at you, each dealing moderate damage. The combined damage output of this whole move is more than enough to put a player down, but it's easy enough to avoid most of the damage. Be sure to quickly get out of the way when you see Shadowbeak rearing up to charge, and then get behind a pillar to avoid most of the orb projectiles.
Ice Shard: You will get a small red circle beneath you for a moment that is your warning to dodge out of the way very quickly. After a second or two, an ice shard will burst from the ground, dealing very high damage. If you are staying mobile for most of the fight then you will probably avoid this accidentally anyway, but if you are aiming down your sights, you may not notice the warning circle appear.
Ice Blast: This is one of the trickier moves to avoid, and deals some of the highest damage. Shadowbeak will charge an ice shard above his head before firing at you, dealing massive damage. The problem is that clouds of icy mist will then spread from the point of impact, potentially doing a big burst of damage to you yet again. The trick is to dodge the initial hit, and then keep dodging in the same direction to outpace the mist.
Cryst Breath: Nothing new here - Shadowbeak uses the icy breath skill that you have seen from multiple enemies in multiple types throughout the game. He will try to get closer before using it, and when he does, you just have to get out of range and then get some free damage in while he completes the attack animation.
Ice Volley: This is another common skill that you will have seen as early as the start of the game on those Pengullets in the beginning area. Three ice shards will be summoned and fired at you one after the other, dealing moderate damage. The main issue here is that that makes three chances at being frozen in a short amount of time, which can be nasty if Shadowbeak follows up with a really heavy hit immediately after. Use the pillars or dodge a couple of times to the side.
How to Beat
Recommended Pals: Jetragon, Astegon, Jormuntide, Jormuntide Ignis
Since Shadowbeak utilises some pretty heavy-hitting ice type moves to counter its dragon weakness, an edge goes to Jormuntide Ignis here for gaining neutrality to ice thanks to its fire secondary typing. If you can get a hold of Jetragon, his health pool is sufficient to take some of these super effective hits as well. Astegon and Jormuntide are both good options as well, but you will need to pull them back when you see particularly nasty ice moves coming.
Jetragon can be found on the north-west side of Mount Obsidian, whereas Astegon is an Alpha Boss on the other side of the mountain. Jormuntide has two different Alpha locations near Investigator's Fork and Natural Bridge, and Jormuntide Ignis can only be found on No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary.
Recommended Gear: Hyper Shield, Cold-Resistant Pal Metal Armour, Assault Rifle (tier 3 or 4)
The Hyper Shield is practically necessary unless you plan to avoid every hit Shadowbeak uses. His attacks deal devastating damage, and you will need to survive. The same goes for Pal Metal Armour. As for your weapon, the assault rifle affords the best damage output while also keeping you at long range so you have more reaction time to Shadowbeak's attacks. It is recommended to farm the legendary assault rifle schematic from Alpha Blazemut, but the purple tier 3 should still keep you comfortable if you can find it.
Strategy: Staying mobile is an absolute necessity when fighting Shadowbeak. His attacks are devastating and, in the case of his two beam attacks, can stunlock you into taking the full brunt if you aren't quick on your feet with avoiding them. You will also need to stock up on an extraordinary amount of ammo if you hope to bring Shadowbeak down in the 10 minute time limit, so make sure you either farm huge amounts of the materials needed, or focus on gold generation throughout your playthrough.
One of the key points of defeating Shadowbeak is to play aggressively. Since you will be using an assault rifle, you don't need to get too close, so at every available moment, make sure you are keeping up the damage. Aim for Shadowbeak's head or for Victor himself on Shadowbeak's back for bonus damage against these weak spots. As long as you play aggressively, stay mobile and use the right Pals, Shadowbeak isn't as intimidating as he seems.