22 February 2024 at 15:30:00
How to Beat Orserk & Axel
As the third boss in Palworld, Orserk has a large health pool, tons of damage and a versatile moveset.

Recommended Level:
Dragon & Electric
Ice & Ground
Orserk is the first boss to use attacks from three different elemental types: Electric, Dragon and Water. This diversity, however, comes at a cost. Orserk is the only dual-type boss that is currently in the game, and being an Electric and Dragon type means he has two weaknesses - Ground and Ice, neither of which are covered by his movepool.
Kerauno: This is Orserk's signature attack, and it deals devastating damage. If he will rise into the air briefly and summon a javelin of lightning that he will hurl at you at very high speed. You must avoid this at all costs, but be warned - the ground where the javelin connects will burst outwards with lightning, also dealing very heavy damage. The best way to avoid this is to get behind a pillar since the javelin cannot travel through walls, but you may still need to dodge a couple of times since the ground electric effect can travel beyond the pillars.
Lightning Beam: Orserk will channel for a while with a glow beneath him before releasing a tremendous lightning beam at the target over a few seconds. If you get caught by the full effect of this, it may one shot you if you aren't prepared with an up to date shield and armour. The best way to avoid this is to wait until the very last moment and then keep dodging sideways until the attack is over. The pillars will not save you here, and I recommend withdrawing your Pals if they are the target of this attack.
Lightning Streak: This is an attack you will have seen on many Electric Pals so far. Orserk will create a fast-moving streak of lightning that will move forwards, dealing high damage. While it looks like a single streak, this is actually multiple lightning strikes very quickly hitting in a line in front of him, so dodging backwards or forwards may actually get you hit by multiple strikes, dealing a lot more damage. Instead, dodge sidewards to avoid this.
Lightning Strike: One of Orserk's biggest attacks, this will be telegraphed with a very wide red circle while Orserk prepares the strike. When the attack fires, most of the arena will be blasted by a massive lightning strike that will deal devastating damage to you and your Pals. It is highly recommended to get out of the red zone as soon as it appears, and withdraw your Pals to safety until the coast is clear.
Dragon Cannon: Orserk can use this one a lot since it has a short cooldown. Orserk will fire a Dragon-type projectile that moves very quickly, has some tracking to home in on you, and has a surprisingly sized area of effect when it hits the target or the ground. Dodging diagonally forward at the last moment is the best way to avoid this, since other directions will get you caught either by its homing capabilities or area of effect.
Dragon Breath: Most types have a variation of this attack, and it works the same way. Orserk will channel a continuous breath of Dragon damage that can apply burning to the target, and the best way to avoid this is simply to quickly get out of range and then get some free damage in while Orserk completes the attack.
Dragon Burst: Again, another type variation of a common attack, Orserk will run quickly to close the gap and, when almost touching you, release a burst of Dragon damage in an area around himself. This one is quite easy to avoid - as soon as Orserk is close enough to you to stop running, simply dodge away from him quickly to avoid the blast.
Poison Mist: This is an odd one for an Electric and Dragon type. Orserk will get in close to mid range before pausing and summoning a green cloud that will follow you around for a while attempting to deal damage over time. It moves slowly, so keeping mobile is enough to avoid all the damage of this attack.
Dragon Meteor: This is one of Orserk's highest damage and most intimidating attacks. It is also probably the easiest one to avoid. Orserk will summon many meteors in the air above him that will fire at you in three waves. These meteors have no tracking and move fairly slowly, so it is very easy to avoid them by simply walking sideways out of their target zone.
How to Beat Orserk
Recommended Pals: Warsect, Sweepa, Reptyro Cryst.
Orserk is Electric and Dragon type. That means that the absolute best possible Pal that you can use for this fight is Reptyro Cryst; a Ground and Ice type that cannot be found in the wild through conventional methods. Rarely, this boss can spawn in dungeons far to the north, but you probably won't be at that point yet, so you must breed it. You can breed Reptyro Cryst by using a standard Reptyro, which is found in the Mount Obsidian area, and a Foxicle, found near Lyleen and Lily's boss tower. As a Ground and Ice type, this will resist almost everything Orserk can throw at you, and deal massive damage in return. Alternatively, Warsect is a hefty juggernaut with a great movepool that can contend well with Orserk, and Sweepa is a surprisingly strong option, especially if you have multiple Swee in your team to passively boost his attack and defence.
Recommended Gear: Giga Shield, Double-Barrelled Shotgun, Refined Metal Armour.
Orserk's attacks deal a lot of damage and are designed to test that your gear is up to scratch for the upcoming latter part of the game. It is recommended that you are around level 40 for this fight so that you have access to the appropriate gear. The Giga Shield is essential for mitigating some of the damage that Orserk throws out, while the Double Barreled Shotgun serves as a great source of damage. If you are a high enough level to use the Pump Action Shotgun, then that's even better; moreso if you can get the legendary schematic from the Suzaku Alpha Boss. Nonetheless, your should definitely be using Refined Metal Armour to deal with some of the very difficult to avoid damage that Orserk will be sending your way.
Orserk deals a tremendous amount of damage with most of his attacks, and many of these attacks are difficult to avoid. Now, more than ever, your Pals are important, so choosing the right Pals is the way to win this fight. Make sure you have strong Ground and Ice types to help you here, with an edge going to Reptyro Cryst.
It's important to be prepared to beat Orserk and Axel in terms of gear. Make sure you have access to good armour, a strong shield, and a high damage ranged weapon to help you get Orserk's hefty health pool down. Along the same theme, it is important to know what Orserk's weak points are - his entire head takes bonus damage, with even more going to Axel himself, who rests on top of Orserk's head.
The trick to this fight is staying mobile. As soon as Orserk turns his attention to you, there will for sure be a lot of damage coming your way, most of which can be avoided by being fast on your feet. Being too close to Orserk can be dangerous, since you will have less time to react to his Dragon Burst, and the Lightning Strike attack will be harder to avoid since you need to get to the edge of the arena. The best approach is to keep your distance, and when Orserk tries to get close to you, wait until he stops running and then create that distance again.