22 February 2024 at 12:00:00
How to Beat Lyleen & Lily
Lyleen and Lily will test your mettle as the second boss in Palworld. You will need to be prepared with strong gear, well-chosen Pals and strong bases to back you up.

Recommended Level:
Lyleen makes use primarily of grass type attacks. However, she sets the theme of having a few attacks that are specifically designed to counter her weaknesses, which is a strategy that all future bosses will copy as well. In this case, Lyleen's weakness is fire, so she has some water type attacks to counter fire type Pals.
Vines: Lyleen will pause for a moment before summoning a very fast-moving root like attack beneath the ground that will rapidly move towards you. When it reaches your destination, it will burst from the ground dealing heavy damage. This attack moves through the pillars, so your only method of avoiding it is dodging sideways or backwards at the last moment before it touches you. Be warned that the vines linger for a moment after they burst from the ground, and touching them deals a lot of damage.
Projectiles: These are very fast-moving triple ranged attacks that get used very often. These can't cut through the pillars, so staying under cover will help you avoid them, but if you're out in the open, you will need to dodge forwards or sideways to avoid the hit. You will see that there are three projectiles fired - getting hit by one won't deal a massive amount of damage, but all three will hurt a bit.
Tornado: Lyleen will summon two grass type tornadoes that will move towards you at a medium pace. This deal devastating damage and knock you back, meaning avoiding them is a priority. It is also recommended to pull your Pals back to avoid the hit if this is aimed at them as well. This attack does go through pillars, but it's pretty easy to see coming and avoid by simply walking out of their path - they don't track you too well.
Seed Mines: The boss will lob a bomb at you which will deal heavy damage if it connects. When it hits the ground, it will split into many smaller mines over a relatively wide area, which will deal damage if stepped on. These small mines will detonate after a short duration, so running clear of the bast radius is important here. Pulling back larger Pals that would get hit by multiple detonations is also a good idea.
Water Ball: Lyleen will summon a massive ball of water above her head over a few seconds. You get a lot of warning here and reacting to that is important, because this will deal massive water damage if it connects, and is also designed to cover Lyleen's fire weakness. The water ball will attempt to target where it expects you to be, so if you are running to the left while it charges, it will aim in front of you to hit you if you keep running. So, the best way to avoid the damage, is sprint sideways while it charges, and as soon as it fires, dodge in the OTHER direction. Be sure to pull back your Pals if they are targeted by this attack.
Bubbles: This is another water attack. It summons a large number of slow-moving bubbles that track the target heavily, each dealing moderate damage. They travel through pillars and, if all of them connect, deal hefty damage. Since they track but move slowly, the best way to avoid them is to running an arch shape to the left or right of the bubbles, causing them to hit the ground behind you.
Poison Mist: If Lyleen is running at you and trying to close the gap, then she is trying to use this attack. When she gets close enough, she will channel this attack for a moment before releasing a cloud of poison that has deceptively wide range. If you get caught by this, you will have the poisoned status effect applied to you, which deals gradual damage over time that completely ignores your shield. The best way to avoid the attack is to let Lyleen get close and, as soon as she stops walking, dodge a few times backwards out of the cloud's area.
How to Beat Lyleen
Recommended Pals: Kitsun, Incineram, Bushi.
If you have access to the likes of Blazamut, Blazehowl and Jormuntide Ignis, you'll squash this boss like it's nothing. It's unlikely, though, if you're following the standard game route. Kitsun can be found in this boss tower's area within the small snowy region, Incineram can be found at the beaches south of Mount Obsidian near Fisherman's Point, and Bushi is a fairly early alpha boss in southern Bamboo Grove. All of these are great mid-game fire types that will do well against Lyleen and Lily.
Recommended Gear: Giga Shield, Handgun, Metal Armour.
The Giga Shield will give you a huge edge in this fight. Lyleen has some pretty heavy-hitting attacks on top of hefty, fast-moving projectiles, so being able to take a hit is important. The same goes for Metal Armour - it makes a difference in this fight. Using the Handgun is useful here, moreso if you can craft the legendary version of it. The schematic for this can be found rarely by defeating the level 29 Beakon alpha boss.
Getting too close to Lyleen can be dangerous. Her poison mist attack will cause a status effect on you or your Pal that slowly depletes your health and ignores your shield, so it's important to keep your distance. Lyleen will attempt to get close to you to use this, so you can use this opportunity to kite her and get some damage in while she persists.
The main attacks to watch out for are the giant water ball and the fast-travelling ground vines. These both deal tremendous damage, while her long-range projectiles and seed bombs are easier to deal with. Keep aiming at Lily, who rests at the top of Lyleen's head, for massive bonus damage. This is why we use a ranged weapon here instead of a melee weapon - it's the only way to hit that weak point. Keep hammering at Lily and Lyleen's head.
Using fire Pals is a big advantage here, but can be risky, since Lyleen has several water moves to help cover her weakness. It's fine, though, as long as you withdraw your Pal when you see these heavy water hits coming, and send them back out when the coast is clear.