22 February 2024 at 13:45:00
How to Beat Grizzbolt & Zoe
Grizzbolt is the challenging first boss of Palworld that will test your understanding of the game's mechanics while pitting you against a fearsome opponent.

Recommended Level:
Grizzbolt uses entirely electric-type attacks, with no coverage for his ground type weakness. So, it would be wise to bring ground type Pals to this fight. Since this is the first boss, your options are relatively limited, but with open exploration and breeding, you can get some powerful Pals to tackle this fight easily enough.
Claw Swipes: Grizzbolt will attack with three hits. The first two are close-range claw swipes with a short wind-up and gap in between, and for the third part of this attack, Grizzbolt will jump into the air and slam down with a medium-sized area of effect. You can avoid this easily enough by dodging backwards for the first two swipes, and forwards at the last moment on the jump.
Shock Blast: Grizzbolt will run towards you to close the distance and, when almost touching you, create an electric blast in a radius around him. While he is running at you, you can use this opportunity to kite him. He will spend a long time trying to get to you before giving up, so you and your Pal can get some easy damage in here as long as you keep moving. To avoid the blast, dodge backwards as soon as Grizzbolt stops moving.
Shock Burst: Grizzbolt will fire a wide fan of electric projectiles that travel far and relatively fast. If you are at long range, you can avoid this easily be simply standing between their trajectory paths, but if you are closer, you will need to dodge forwards right before they hit you to avoid the damage.
Shock Barrage: Grizzbolt may pause briefly before summoning two hovering orbs above his head. These will rapidly fire duos of electric projectiles at you over a short duration. They don't have great tracking, so you can avoid the damage by moving sidewards, but using the pillars is more safe.
Lightning Streak: Grizzbolt can create a fast-moving lightning strike in a forward direction that deals heavy damage. This is technically multiple strikes along the path, so dodging backwards or forwards can have the opposite effect of getting you hit multiple times. Instead, you need to dodge sideways to avoid this.
Lock On: Grizzbolt may lock onto you with a red laser over a pretty long duration. This gives you ample time to take cover behind one of the pillars before a very fast-moving electric projectile strikes you. This attack is very difficult to dodge, but you get lots of time to stand behind a pillar to avoid the damage entirely.
How to Beat Grizzbolt
Recommended Pals: Fuddler, Gumoss, Rushoar.
There are a ton of good options for this fight. The best options overall are ground type Pals, and the ones you are likely to get this early in the game easily are Fuddler, Gumoss and Rushoar. Gumoss and Rushoar can be found wandering in the nearby areas, but Fuddler is found in caves. Other good early options are Foxparks for its flamethrower Partner Skill and burning potential, Chillet for its high chances of freezing the opponent, and Dinossom for its sheer bulk and hefty damage.
Recommended Gear: Mega Shield, Three-Shot Bow, Pelt Armour.
This early in the game, you aren't expected to be dropping in on Grizzbolt with missile launchers and shotguns. You also won't do much damage with your fists, so hold out for the three-shot at level 10. You'll also need to soak up a couple of hits, so a shield is needed. The common shield at level 4 will suffice, but the mega shield at level 16 will make you very comfortable. You should also craft some pelt armour to make sure you aren't getting hammered too hard.
Grizzbolt is an easy target to aim at, with specific weak points. For the highest damage bonus, aim for Zoe herself, who is situated on top of Grizzbolt's head. Using the Three-Shot Bow on Zoe will give you tons of bonus damage which, when combined with useful Pals, will melt Grizzbolt's health with tons of time to spare. As long as you make use of the pillars to avoid Grizzbolt's nastier attacks, and as long as you are prepared with at least the basic gear suggested here, you'll have Grizzbolt down in no time.