22 February 2024 at 11:15:00
How to Beat Faleris & Marcus
Faleris, the fourth boss of Palworld, is a fearsome opponent that is difficult to contend with, taking the fight to the air and challenging you with immense strength and firepower.

Recommended Level:
Faleris attacks primarily with fire, and these will do a lot of damage since they share the same type as the Pal using them. However, while it may seem like water is the way to go here, that may be a mistake if you aren't careful. Faleris uses some very, very strong electric type attacks to counter his weaknesses.
Fire Shot: Faleris will very quickly fire a ranged projectile that has a small amount of homing. This is easy enough to dodge if you see it coming, but it comes out fast, so it can take you by surprise. It's important to always be mobile and ready to dodge.
Scatter Shot: Another fast attack, Faleris will fire a clump of rapidly-moving projectiles that will each deal a moderate amount of damage. They are close together, kind of like a shotgun blast, and will deal high damage if many of these projectiles connect with the target.
Flame Tornado: This is Faleris' unique attack. Faleris will summon two flaming tornadoes, similar to ones you have seen before, but will also follow up with a devastating swooping attack. If you avoid the tornadoes, it doesn't necessarily mean you are clear of the swoop, since he will retarget for that secondary attack, so be careful and stay mobile. You can dodge it at the last moment, or use a pillar for cover.
Fire Breath: This is another one that you will have seen plenty in the past. It is easy enough to avoid by simply walking out of range or quickly strafing sideways for its duration. Once you are safely out of range, you can use your own attacks while Faleris finishes the fire breath animation.
Fire Ball: This is a particularly hard hitting attack that is similar to the water version that Lyleen used. For a couple of seconds, Faleris will charge up a giant fireball which will then be hurls at the target for very high damage. The ball has a little bit of tracking to it, and if it connects, will create a brief, high damage over time effect as well.
Eruption: If you get a small circle appear under your feet, dodge out of it quickly. The ground in that circle is about to erupt with a devastating attack that will also stun you briefly. If you are staying mobile and moving around a lot, it's likely that this attack will miss you anyway.
Ignis Rage: Many magma pools will appear on the floor in a wide area. After a hefty wind-up, all of these will explode for massive damage, even moreso to any large Pals who may be hit by multiple of these. For this, it is recommended to get well out of the blast radius and pull back your Pal until the coast is clear.
Tri-Lightning: You have seen all of Faleris' electric attacks before with Orserk. This one will cause three lightning strikes at your location, which are easily avoided by simply staying mobile and moving out of the area. You can see it coming when you get a glow below your feet, but you should be staying mobile anyway, so this will probably miss.
Lightning Strike: This one can be difficult to avoid if you don't react fast enough. A very large area will start to glow red, showing that, soon, a massive lightning strike will blast the entire area. This takes up most of the arena, and it is very important to get to the edges out of the red circle as fast as possible, and to withdraw your Pals so they don't take a devastating hit.
Lightning Barrage: One of Faleris' most devastating attacks, the Lightning Barrage will absolutely destroy your shield and health if you take the full brunt of its damage, and your Pals will definitely suffer a massive hit from this. Faleris will get a glow beneath him for a significant amount of time while he charges this attack, and then release a lightning barrage that locks on quite strongly and pierces through pillars. The only way to avoid this is to start dodging sideways as soon as the attack fires, and not stop until he stops the attack.
How to Beat Faleris
Recommended Pals: Blazamut, Reptyro, Jormuntide Ignis.
These may seem like unconventional Pals to counter a fellow fire type. After all, their same type attack bonus will only apply to Fire, which Faleris resists. However, Faleris is well equipped to counter his water weakness, so instead, we will be taking a different approach by putting water type moves on fire type Pals, turning them into defensive powerhouses with enough damage to beat Faleris easily.
Blazamut can be found at a high level as an Alpha Boss in Obsidian Mountain, whereas Reptyro can be found wandering in the same area. Jormuntide Ignis needs to be obtained from the No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary, or hatched from a Huge Scorching Egg. All of these are excellent options and will last an exceptionally long time against Faleris - just be sure to give them water type moves to get the job done.
Recommended Gear: Hyper Shield, Pump Shotgun, Refined Flame-Resistant Metal Armour.
Faleris deals incredible, fast damage throughout the entire fight, and some of this is quite difficult to avoid. With very swift, spammy attacks that have low cooldowns on top of very strong charged attacks, you need to be able to take a hit. The Hyper Shield will be invaluable in this fight, and it is strongly recommended that you level at least enough to have access to this before you start this fight. The same goes for your Armour - make sure it is up to scratch and fully repaired.
Your weapon is important here. Faleris is designed to be tackled by multiple people. That doesn't mean you can't do it along, but it is important that you are exceptionally prepared if you are going it alone. You will need a lot of your own damage here to help your Pals, and that comes in the form of the Assault Rifle and Pump Shotgun, but that isn't all. It is very strongly recommended that you farm either Alpha Suzaku or Alpha Blazamut for the legendary Pump Shotgun or Assault Rifle schematics, respectively, and stock up on lots and lots of ammo for this, either by crafting it yourself or buying it from the merchant in Dune Shelter.
Since Faleris fights in the air, it is very important to specifically put ranged attacks on your Pals. Our strategy, in addition to being prepared with high defences and attack power, is to use fire Pals instead of the water Pals you would expect. Doing this will mean your Pals can defend against Faleris' absolutely crazy fire damage output, and by putting water attacks on your fire Pals, they will be able to deal a lot of damage back to Faleris in return.
Nonetheless, it is still recommended to pull your Pals back to avoid the heavier hits from Faleris, specifically the electric element ones, since this will likely hit your Pals neutrally. That doesn't go for Reptyro - he can soak up hits from Faleris all day long, regardless of which attacks he uses.
Ideally, you will be hitting Faleris in his weak spot. That's his head, and Marcus who rides on his Pal's back. However, you will need to be flying for that, so if you don't have strong flying Pals available you will be attacking from below. That's fine as long as you are quick on your feet, but you won't be doing bonus weak spot damage very much from there, so it's more important to get those legendary schematics we talked about.