How to Beat Harrower Dervla & The Unbroken Promise

Location: Revelation Depths
Resists: Holy, Physical, Smite
Weakness: Fire, Poison
Summons: Kukajin, Pieta
Remembrance of the Unbroken Promise
Dark Crusader's Call
Harrower Dervla's Rosary
1 Ammunition Satchel
10 Umbral Scourings
1 Vestige Seed
How to Beat
Harrower Dervla is a challenging enemy at first sight, but can be made simple with a very easy approach to the fight. Here's how.
Phase 1:
Here, you have the benefit of playing more aggressively. Harrower Dervla's melee attacks come out slow, and are remarkably easy to dodge. Her overhead slams and side swings can all be dodged to the side.
If you are locked on when you dodge, you will strafe around Harrower Dervla, allowing for a dodge-strike against her flank, which will likely stagger her. While it is risky to try for fully charged heavy attacks, those dodge-strikes work wonders for consistent damage and fight control.
When Harrower Dervla empowers her weapons, you'll have to be a little more careful, but there are generally uniform rules for avoiding her attacks. All crossbow attacks should be avoided by dodging forwards through the projectile, and all sword swings, even those that fire projectiles, should be dodged to the side so you can perform that follow up attack.
Keep an eye on the Unbroken Promise above. She will occasionally summon areas of withering damage that perform a kind of explosion, so stay out of those areas where possible. The same goes for the magic missiles - keep moving and dodge if you need to.
Phase 2:
The Unbroken Promise poses a bit more of a challenge. She has a large healthpool and some pretty devastating attacks, but playing slightly more conservatively will make the fight a success.
The Unbroken Promise's melee attacks are all fairly easy to avoid. You will be dealing with standard sword swings and slams, all of which have projectile arcs that fire from them, along with the odd claw swipe combo of up to two hits. Dodge into each attack and, when the combo ends, punish with a hit or two, but never get greedy.
The problem you will be facing is when you are at range. The Unbroken Promise summons two ghostly nails that have a range of attacks that are capable of punishing you for staying too far away - for this part of the fight, you are much safer in melee range.
Bait out melee attacks and strafe round to the Unbroken Promise's back, and from there, you will be safe to get in some damage before backing away to medium distance and baiting out more attacks.
Phase 1:
Melee Combo: Harrower Dervla will hold her sword to the side before performing a swinging attack up to three times. These are easily avoided by dodging towards the swipe each time.
Overhead Slam: Harrower Dervla will hold her sword high and slam it down. Dodge to the side and punish with a charged heavy attack.
Thrust: Harrower Dervla will hold her sword pointed at you and lunge forward several steps, thrusting the sword forwards. Dodge to the side and punish. Be warned that, on occasion, she may follow up with a swipe or slam.
Crossbow Mines: Harrower Dervla can perform a spinning jump followed by a shot from her crossbow, firing a mass of bolts that will spread and hit the ground around you. After a delay, these will explode. Avoid the damage by following Dervla, dodging forward through the bolts. The shots can be followed by a slam down with the sword if you are close enough.
Shockwaves: Harrower Dervla can attack with dragging sweeps across the floor that will send arcs of wither magic towards you. Dodge to the side to avoid these. This will only be done when Harrower Dervla's sword glows with wither magic.
Crossbow Shot: Harrower Dervla can pull out her crossbow and fire a single shot at you. This is easily dodged, but the attack is often followed up by jumping high and firing her crossbow mines at you.
Area Denial: Throughout the fight with Harrower Dervla, the Unbroken Promise will occasionally create wide areas of wither magic. Staying in these when they explode will cause wither damage, which can be regained by dealing damage to Harrower Dervla, but the areas are best avoided altogether.
Missiles: Throughout the fight with Harrower Dervla, the Unbroken Promise will occasionally fire some missiles at you. These can be avoided by using the pillars around the room, dodging, or simply staying mobile as they have poor tracking.
Healing: When near death, Harrower Dervla will bow in the middle of the room while the Unbroken Promise sends healing, restoring vast amounts of withered health to Harrower Dervla. This is easily countered by keeping your distance and using ranged attacks, which will likely finish Harrower Dervla off altogether.
Phase 2:
Shockwave: The Unbroken Promise will channel before releasing a blast of damage that will likely one-shot you. It expands from the Unbroken Promise's location, and you must dodge forward through the edge of it.
Sword Combo: The Unbroken Promise can attack with melee sword combos that will fire arcs of wither magic. This is often followed up by claw swipes, which similarly deal wither damage in addition to up front damage.
Nail Crash: The Unbroken Promise will summon magical nails that can be sent crashing forward in a line towards you. Dodge forward through them to avoid the damage.
Lunging Slam: The Unbroken Promise will leap forward a few paces before slamming her sword down in front, dealing high damage and sending an arc forwards. Dodge to the side.
Nail Tornado: The Unbroken Promise will slam her hand down, and the nails following her will begin spinning in a circle, getting wider and wider. Back away and use some ranged attacks.