How to Beat the Black Rabbit Brotherhood

Health - 8,813
Type - Human
Location - Malum District
Weakness - Acid
Resplendent Ergo Chunk
9,255 Ergo
Overhead Swing: The Eldest will perform an overhead swing with his sword that can combo into his other moves or repeat up to four times. It is important to keep your distance until this combo is complete.
Spin Slash: The Eldest will swing in a wide spin, often followed up by an uppercut. Dodge backwards multiple times to avoid this.
Charge: The Eldest will roar like a bull and charge forward, delivering a high damage impact that will knock you back. Dodge to the side to avoid this.
Swing Combo: The Eldest can perform sideways swing combos of up to four hits, each dealing nasty damage. Create some distance or get behind him and get ready to punish during his recovery.
Jump Attack: The Eldest will leap into the air and attempt to land at your location, dealing high damage. Dodge to the side or perfect guard to avoid this.
Uppercut: The Eldest will perform an upward swipe with his sword that will deal high damage and knock you down. Dodge to the side to avoid this, and get a hit in on his back.
Kick: The Youngest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood will deliver a kick that will knock you back. Usually used in retaliation when you hit her too many times.
Double Slash: The Youngest will charge forward and deliver a double slash. Dodge to the side to avoid this.
Throwing Knife: The Youngest will leap back while throwing a projectile at you. Dodge to the side.
Thrust Combo: The Eccentric will perform spear stab combos of up to four hits, and can chain directly into the same combo repeatedly. Getting in a perfect guard is ideal here, as it will allow for heavy punishment.
Jump Attack: The Eccentric will jump high and slam down, damaging a small area. Dodge backwards at the last second.
Battle Maniac:
Slash Combo: The Battle Maniac will perform slash combos of up to three hits. Dodge out of range and punish the recovery.
Puppet String: The Battle Maniac can use his own legion arm to string you towards him, often followed up by the slash combo.
Thrust Combo: Similar to the slash combo, The Battle Maniac will perform thrust attacks of up to three hits. Dodge to the side and punish.
How to Beat
The Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood can be a tricky foe to contend with, as you can easily feel outnumbered. It is recommended to summon a shade for this fight, but it isn't necessary if you are careful.
The Eldest will be present throughout the fight, and he is the only target that you NEED to kill. However, the other three Black Rabbits will join the fight at health intervals, and can make the fight massively more chaotic, so it is recommended to deal with them as they come.
The Puppet String legion arm is absolutely brilliant for this fight, allowing you to pull one of the smaller Black Rabbits to you to nuke down before you turn your attention back to the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood.
So, the first thing that you need to remember is to pull each of the lesser Black Rabbits to you as needed and get them out of the fight. The next thing you need to remember is that throwables are incredibly useful in this fight, regardless of what they are - even the simple throwing saw can be invaluable for helping to burn through the lesser Black Rabbits.
Since the Black Rabbit Brotherhood are humanoid enemies, they are weak to acid. If you have access to an acid-based weapon, buff or throwables, use them, but if not, use fire instead, which is still useful for some bonus damage and applying the burning status effect.
Once you have reduced each of the lesser Black Rabbits' health to less than 300, they will leave the fight for good, and you will be able to focus on the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood. He is slow and easy enough to Perfect Guard or dodge, and if your Shade is still alive, you will be able to make short work of him.
Be warned that staying at a distance is trickier, since the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood has charging attacks that deal a lot of damage and knock you down. Best to learn his attack patterns and go toe-to-toe with him.