How to Beat Laxasia the Complete

Health - 9,137 (Phase 1) 13,735 (Phase 2)
Type - Human
Location - Ascension Bridge
Weakness - Acid
Sad Zealot's Ergo
13,712 Ergo
Phase 1:
Long Combo: This can come with either overhead slams or uppercut sweeps. Laxasia the Complete will combo a ton of the same attack one after the other while moving towards you, ending with a spin slash. If you get caught in this attack, you will die. Keep your distance.
Lightning Trail: Laxasia the Complete will drag her weapon along the floor towards you, ending with a slash. This will leave a trail of electricity that will explode along the path after a delay. Dodge the final hit and avoid the path.
Electric Slash: Laxasia the Complete will swing her weapon towards you, sending out sparks of electricity in an arc along the swing's direction. This attack often comes after a 360 swing. Dodge forward through the electricity to avoid the damage.
Melee Combo: Laxasia can perform slashes and stabs with her sword along with kicks to knock you down, leaving you vulnerable. All of these standard melee attacks can be avoided by dodging to the side, into the swing.
Charge: Laxasia the Complete will charge forward to deliver a vicious stab, followed by a slight uppercut. Dodge to the side to avoid the damage.
Electric Slam: After being staggered, Laxasia the Complete will slam her sword down for an electric blast before becoming open to a fatal blow.
Phase 2:
Lightning Storm: Laxasia the Complete will hover in the air and send a myriad of electric projectiles at you. These can be avoided by dodging each projectile or sprinting to the side, but you can take advantage of this attack by Perfect Guarding each projectile, which will send them back at her for hefty damage.
Lightning Blast: Laxasia the Complete will charge briefly before exploding with electricity. As soon as you see her starting this attack animation, back away a lot as it will cover a fairly wide area.
Dash Swipes: Laxasia the Complete can very quickly dash around the arena, almost like a blink teleport. After each dash, she will perform a vicious swipe that deals high damage. Track her direction and dodge her attacks carefully.
Jump Attack: Laxasia the Complete will hover in the air and summon a thundercloud that will direct lightning strikes at you. Following this, she will slam down at your location with a small explosion. Sprint and dodge to avoid the lightning strikes, and then create distance and dodge the slam.
Feint: Laxasia the Complete can be staggered, but before becoming open to a fatal blow, will swing her weapon twice and then explode with electricity. Only then can you perform the fatal blow.
How to Beat
Laxasia the Complete marks one of the most challenging bosses in Lies of P, and in the genre as a whole. Laxasia has two phases; the first is slow, heavy-hitting and tanky with long combos, and the second is incredibly fast, highly mobile, deals devastating amounts of damage and is very difficult to predict.
Phase 1:
This phase of the fight is simple. Laxasia the Complete has lunging attacks to close some distance that hit hard, she can knock you back, and has two long-winded combos that come in many, many hits that must be avoided, but are easy to avoid as well, so that's fine.
The main thing to remember about phase 1 of Laxasia is that she has heavy resistance on her back. She has a shield there, which deflects most of the damage dealt to that area and staggers you when you hit it. However, when you hit the shield enough, the sides of it break off, meaning you can start hitting her in the side.
Most of Laxasia's damage in this phase is all forward-facing. If you summon a Shade or strafe around to Laxasia's side after combos, you will be able to get some valuable hits in here after the shield is broken.
Remember that Laxasia is a human enemy, and is therefore weak to acid. Carcass Body Fluid Bottles and Acid Cannisters go a long way towards putting her down quickly, and the acid grindstone is invaluable here. These will also apply the Decay damage over time effect. All of this will very quickly get Laxasia's first phase down easily.
Phase 2:
Phase 2 is a different story with Laxasia the Complete. She sheds her armour in favour of lightning fast speed and incredible damage.
When Laxasia rises into the air, she will start sending lightning bolts to you. These deal high damage, but are an excellent opportunity to get some easy damage back at Laxasia the Complete - perfect guard these lightning bolts to deflect them back at Laxasia for high damage.
When Laxasia the Complete does her long combo of teleport strikes, you will get an opportunity at the end to get some nice damage in. Use this opportunity for your Fable Arts, make use of your acid attacks, and really use these brief moments of respite as an advantage.
Be warned that, if you stagger Laxasia for a fatal blow, you must wait. She will swing twice and then perform an explosive attack before you can actually hit with the fatal blow, so remember, patience is key with this fight.
It is HIGHLY recommended for BOTH phases of the fight with Laxasia the Complete to use the Puppet Strings legion arm. Laxasia does not leave many opportunities for attack, especially in phase 2, but the Puppet Strings, if used carefully, will allow you to very rapidly close the gap and deal a massive blow before retreating. You can even follow this up with a Fable Art if she isn't readying an attack straight after.