How to Beat Champion Victor

Health - 24,385
Type - Human
Location - Grand Exhibition Gallery
Weakness - Acid
Reborn Champion's Ergo
11,684 Ergo
Charge Combo: Champion Victor will repeatedly deal heavy attack punches, each of which have a long wind-up while he charges up the attack. These deal high damage but are easily avoided by getting out of range.
Fury Combo: Champion Victor will move forward slowly while performing a series of punches. These can be avoided by keeping your distance. This can occasionally be performed as a fury attack.
Melee Attacks: Champion Victor can attack with a variety of melee-range punches and slams, usually in combos of up to three hits. He can also perform a kick with a wind-up, often followed by a second kick.
Beatdown: Champion Victor may slowly walk towards you, occasionally talking, before delivering a combo of five hits. The second and fourth attack in this combo can be fury attacks. Best to stay out of range.
Grab Attack: If Champion Victor raises his hands, palms up, then he is about to attempt a grab attack. This will have him hold onto you while punching repeatedly, ending with a stomp. Get out of range of this at all costs.
Jump Attack: This can come either as a stomp slam or a punch. Both work the same way - when Champion Victor jumps into the air, reposition yourself towards the side and dodge the landing before getting some hits in.
Feint: When Champion Victor becomes stunned, he will not immediately become open to a fatal blow. He will first attempt to lure you in before punching the ground in front of him, dealing high damage. Only after that attack can you perform the fatal blow. This only happens in phase 2.
How to Beat
Champion Victor is a brutish opponent that can be incredibly challenging or very simple. The key is preparation, and knowing what you are going to be up against.
Champion Victor attacks with punches and slams that have relatively long wind-ups, making them quite easy to dodge and easier to punish, since he takes a decent amount of time recovering from each attack.
Most of Champion Victors attacks come in combos of 2 to 4 hits, and the combo end is easy to tell by Champion Victor staggering slightly as he raises his considerable bulk back up.
Be careful of Champion Victor's lunging attacks, as these come out quite fast despite having relatively long wind-ups, cover a surprising amount of distance, and deal a lot of damage.
As a human type enemy, Champion Victor is weak to Acid, so using the Acid grindstone is highly advised. The same goes for Acid Cannisters and Carcass Body Fluid Vials, which will all deal a ton of damage to Champion Victor and potentially apply a damage over time to him as well.
Learning Champion Victor's attack patterns and punishing him appropriately will take a few attempts, but won't be too hard. However, you can attack largely from range by kiting his attacks and keeping your distance. The Puppet Ripper has great range on its charged heavy attack, and the Falcon Eyes legion arm is great for ranged bursts of damage. Again, don't forget about those throwables.
Champion Victor doesn't really gain a whole lot of new strength in Phase 2. He is a bit faster, a bit more aggressive, and gains his health back, but is generally still the same boss, and is therefore no more difficult than phase 1.