How to Beat Archbishop Andreus

Health - 6,995 (Phase 1), 7,927 (Phase 2)
Type - Carcass
Location - Cathedral
Weakness - Fire
Twisted Angel's Ergo
7,980 Ergo
Phase 1:
Melee Combo: Archbishop Andreus will attack with regular claw swipes. These are usually two quick swipes followed by a delayed third. Otherwise, it will be a single back-hand swipe. Once you get this attack pattern down, most of the melee range combat for this fight becomes easy.
Tongue Whip: Archbishop Andreus will perform a quick downward whip with his tongue before following up with a side-swipe as well. Dodge, hit once, then dodge again.
Single Swipe: Archbishop Andreus will extended one arm outwards and perform a wide-reaching swipe. Dodge into it to avoid the damage.
Slam: Archbishop Andreus will raise himself up and slam down to deal high damage. If he raises one leg, this will have a small area of effect around Archbishop Andreus. If he doesn't, then directly beneath him is the impact zone. Sometimes, he will step forward up to three times before slamming down.
Phase 2:
Wing Swipe (Angel Side Only): Archbishop Andreus will perform a very quick swipe with his elongated body that will deal fairly high damage. Doge backwards to avoid this. This can come from the left or the right.
Staff Combos (Angel Side Only): Archbishop Andreus will attack with his staff in combos of up to three hits. This can be a back-and-forth slash, a slam, or a stab, and all can be avoided by dodging backwards.
Magic Blast: Archbishop Andreus will charge and glow blue before delivering a large explosion of damage from his frog side, and then another from his angel side. Run directly to the side of Archbishop Andreus, a little away, to avoid this damage.
How to Beat
Archbishop Andreus is one of the more interesting fights in Lies of P. This fight has two phases, and poses a significant challenge quite early in the game.
During the first phase, your best option is to stay close. This does mean you will need to deal with avoiding Archbishop Andreus's melee attacks, but you will not have to contend with his quite punishing gap-closing attacks, and you will be able to deal consistent damage.
It is highly recommended to use a fire-based weapon for this fight, since Archbishop Andreus is a carcass-type enemy and is therefore weak to fire. The Salamander Dagger is a great option that you can get at the Workshop Entrance. It is fast enough to deal damage in between Archbishop Andreus's attacks, and deals good damage.
Most of Archbishop Andreus's attacks will be limited to his swipes, tongue-whip and slam, which are all easy enough to avoid. Keep up consistent damage with a fire weapon, and consider making use of Thermite if you have it.
In phase 2, Archbishop Andreus will sprout a new threat on the other side of his body, and it is much more difficult to contend with. As soon as possible, either by sprinting round or running underneath the boss when he rises up, get back to the frog-looking face and re-engage. You will then not have to deal with the new, snake-like side for the rest of the fight.
The fight is largely the same in phase 2. Archbishop Andreus is a bit more aggressive and a bit faster, but as long as you stick to fighting the same side as before, there are almost no variations in the fight.
The exception is the blue-glowing magic blast, which comes from the frog side and then the snake side. When you see the blue charging, sprint around to the side of the boss, and when the frog side blasts, run back to that side to avoid the snake's blue blast, then continue.