How to Beat Margit the Fell Omen

14 April 2024 at 12:41:25
Health: 8,200
Resists: Holy
Weakness: Slash
Immune: Sleep, Madness
12,000 Runes
Talisman Pouch
Best Strategy
There are three tactics that can make this fight incredibly easy.
Strategy 1: Status Effects.
Margit is susceptible to status effects, and there are two very easy early-game options you can use to win this fight without doing all too much at all. On your way to Margit, you should come across an NPC who will give you the jellyfish Spirit Summon, which you can use here. It can take some hits for you, and will attack Margit from range, applying the Poisoned status effect after a few hits. This will gradually deplete Margit's health, and by the time it wears off, you won't have much work left to do.
A similar principle is to use the chest in Dragon Burnt Ruins, found in Agheel Lake. From there, head towards Sellia, Town of Sorcery, and on the way, look in some ruins next to a rotten hound. Next to it is an item to pick up - a Spirit Summon for the rotten hound. This summon is fast, deals a bit of damage, but most importantly, quickly applies the Scarlet Rot status effect, which will rapidly deplete a ton of Margit's health.
Strategy 2: Margit's Shackle.
Down a short ravine in Agheel Lake, you will find Murkwater Cave. You'll have to contend with a tricky NPC invader outside before you can enter, but once you're in, you'll find a few bandits and a mini-boss named Patches. Spare him when he surrenders, and you will get access to his shop, where you can buy Margit's Shackle for 5,000 Runes. You can slot this on your bar and use it during the fight with Margit to stun him for a lengthy amount of time, but only in phase 1 before he uses his holy hammer. You can use this a total of 2 times, so make the most of it and deal as much damage as possible while Margit is shackled.
Strategy 3: Baiting Charge.
If you keep your distance, Margit doesn't have many attacks he can use. He will either throw his daggers at you, charge at you, or, in phase 2, attempt to jump slam you with his hammer. So, if you keep your distance, you can bait out that charge attack, which is telegraphed by Margit raising his staff above his head. He will charge forward, swing, delay briefly and then swing again. If you dodge both of these attacks, you will get the opportunity to get a couple of hits in before you back away and bait out that attack again.
Swipe Combo: Margit will attack with swinging slashes of his staff if you are in melee range. He will vary the wind-ups and combo length to throw you off, making Margit particularly tricky to fight toe-to-toe in melee combat.
Running Spin: Margit will raise his staff above his head for a length duration. If you are close, he will slam it into the ground in front of him, but if you are far away, he will instead charge forward quickly. This will be followed by a swing, a delay, and then another swing. Baiting this attack is a great way to get openings to retaliate. Dodge the initial swing, pause briefly, then dodge again before getting some hits in.
Holy Dagger: If you are far away, Margit may throw daggers in your direction. Jumping over them or dodging forward will make them easy enough to dodge. Be warned that he will always do this if you try to heal at a distance. If you are in melee range, Margit will instead perform swiping combos with the dagger followed up by staff swings, or swipe with the dagger before jumping away. These are hard to avoid, so keep your distance.
Jumping Slam: Margit may jump into the air, pause for a couple of seconds, and then slam down at you. This is easy to dodge and serves as another opportunity for some easy hits.
Tail Whip: If you are positioned behind Margit, he will retaliate with a very swift tail whip, covering quite a wide range. This will end with him facing you, and will likely be followed up with one of his other combos.
Spectral Hammer: This is Margit's most dangerous weapon. He can attack with this with a long jumping slam that has surprisingly good tracking and a wide area of effect upon impact, requiring you to distance yourself well. Margit may also swing with his staff and follow up immediately with a swing from his hammer, dealing high damage and knocking you over. Finally, he can raise his hammer and slam it down in front of him. All of these attacks require you to be well out of range.
Spinning Combo: In the second phase only, Margit may summon a spectral sword. He can perform long melee-range combos with this that come out in very quick succession, requiring fast reaction times and distancing to avoid the damage. If you do get hit, you may get stunlocked for the duration of the combo.