How to Beat Lichdragon Fortissax

6 March 2024 at 13:35:31
Health: 12,900
Resists: Holy, Lightning
Weakness: Pierce
Immune: Sleep, Madness
90,000 Runes
Remembrance of the Lichdragon
Best Strategy
Lichdragon Fortissax offers a massive challenge to melee fighters, with may different attacks that are designed to punish players for being too close. With many large enemies, fighting beneath them and attacking the legs is often the way to go, but that is not the case with Fortissax.
It is strongly recommended to fight Lichdragon Fortissax from range. Every build has ranged options available; Intelligence and Faith builds have their spells, Dexterity builds have their bows, and Strength builds have greatbows and crossbows. All of these are viable, and keeping at range will limit Fortissax to only a few ranged attacks, all of which are relatively easy to deal with compared to his melee counters.
Intelligence characters are strongly advices to make use of Rock Sling. Locking onto Lichdragon Fortissax's head will allow you to deal very high damage with every cast, and the rocks will home in on this weak spot very efficiently. Keep your distance and cast when safe.
Faith builds must be sure not to use lightning or holy damage as Fortissax is highly resistant. Instead, make use of Swarm of Flies to deal consistent bursts of damage. Similarly, Borealis's Mist can deal consistent damage along with bursts of Frostbite. Flame incantations can deal decent damage as Fortissax only has a medium resistance to these, but most of them have limited range, leaving you vulnerable.
Dexterity builds should make use of bows for this fight. Using Rotbone Arrows or Serpent Arrows will make this fight much easier once you manage to get the proc. The Pulley Bow will help with dealing consistent damage at longer ranges, whereas the Black Bow will allow you to very rapidly apply status effects as needed.
Strength builds should make use of Greatbows for good weakspot damage against Fortissax's head, and crossbows will allow the player to make use of status effects if needed. You can instead adopt a hit-and-run approach if you want to use a heavy melee weapon, closing the gap and getting a hard hit in on Fortissax's head after he recovers from one of his ranged attacks. Fighting consistently in melee range is difficult, but if you do, stay in front of Fortissax and contend with his head alone - getting underneath him will likely get you killed.
Lightning Waves: Lichdragon Fortissax may raise up on his hind legs and summon a fork of lightning in one hand or both hands. He will then slam this into the ground, one after the other if there's two, sending four waves of lightning per fork out in different directions. If you create some distance, this is easy to avoid by walking between the waves.
Death Lightning Strike: Lichdragon Fortissax will summon many spots of foggy light around the arena which will proceed to burst with lightning. These lightning fog spots and their lightning strikes will deal fairly high damage, but more importantly, will build up Death Blight, which can instantly kill you. Avoid these spots at all costs.
Spinning Glaive: Fortissax will fly up into the air before summoning a glaive of lightning in his hand. He will then swoop down and perform a wide attack, spinning twice and dealing very high damage. This looks intimidating and difficult to avoid, but if you start running to the side when he first flies up, and then begin dodging when he swoops down, you'll avoid all of the damage.
Fire Breath 1: Similar to all of the other dragons you've faced so far, Lichdragon Fortissax will breath fire in a straight line in front of him. This deals fairly high damage, but is easy to avoid by running to either side.
Fire Breath 2: Lichdragon Fortissax can sit up and hurl fire forwards in a wide cone, dragging the fire beneath him. It is not wise to fight beneath Fortissax as this can be hard to see coming. Avoid this by creating distance backwards.
Fire Breath 3: Lichdragon Fortissax will fly up into the air and spit fire downwards at the player. This is usually done when you are fighting underneath Fortissax, so try to avoid doing so.
Lightning Charge: Fortissax may cloak himself with an aura of lightning. Getting too close to Fortissax will cause this lightning to pass onto you, and when it passes onto the ground, it will explode for high damage. Avoid standing beneath Fortissax, and if you do get this effect on you, dodge repeatedly to avoid the blast.
Claw Swipes: If you are close and in front of Lichdragon Fortissax, he will perform slamming and swiping claw attacks that leave a trail of lightning which will explode. It is best not to fight in melee range to avoid these attacks, but if you do, dodge forwards or backwards to avoid the swipe, and do not go back to the position until the lightning is clear.
Bites: Lichdragon Fortissax can perform a couple of different bite attack combos. If you see Fortissax raise onto his hind legs slightly, he will perform two bites forward, and if not raise, one bite forward. These are often followed up with claw swipes or fire breath. Dodge sideways towards the head to avoid the bites.
Downwards Lightning Slam: If you fight underneath Lichdragon Fortissax, he may raise his front legs and slam them down, creating a blast of lightning in an area. If you get too close and see this attack coming, start dodging away to avoid the blast.
Pounce: Lichdragon Fortissax may fly into the air before pouncing on the player claws first, dealing very high damage. This is usually done when you are at medium distance. Dodge backwards to avoid the pounce.
Hurricane: If you fight beneath Fortissax too much, he may begin beating his wings, stunning you with each flap and knocking you down, leaving you vulnerable to follow up attacks. Create some distance to get out of the area.
Tail Swipe: Lichdragon Fortissax will perform a wide tail swipe at you if you spend too long fighting behind him. Avoid this by dodging backwards.
Retreat: Lichdragon Fortissax will jump to a different part of the arena after delivering a swift claw swipe. Dodge backwards to avoid the swipe.
Launch: Lichdragon Fortissax may jump up and launch forwards to reposition around the arena, dealing massive damage if he hits the player with this. Keep your distance and dodge sideways.