How to Beat Godfrey, First Elden Lord

14 April 2024 at 12:25:23
Health: 21,900
Resists: Holy
Weakness: Everything else
Immune: Madness
300,000 Runes
Remembrance of Hoarah Loux
Best Strategy
Godfrey, First Elden Lord and Hoarah Loux, Warrior form a fearsome opponent to contend with. Neither of them have very many different attacks, but what they do have deal devastating damage. Learning the movesets and avoiding these hits is vital to success here.
Godfrey does not have many resistances, save for Holy. That means you have a lot of diversity here.
Strategy 1: Faith
At the start of the fight, Godfrey will be walking towards you relatively calmly. This gives you an opening to cast Rot Breath or Ekzyke's Decay, giving you a great advantage by applying nice damage over time.
Creating some range between yourself and Godfrey may cause him to perform a dashing attack followed by a stomp, which releases a cone of spikes towards you. Jump to avoid this, and then cast Swarm of Flies. This incantation is quite capable of shredding Godfrey's health, so use this as your primary attack.
You can subsidise this by using a weapon that benefits your strategy. The Winged Scythe is a great Faith weapon that has innate bleed, which will contribute towards the same goal as Swarm of Flies. Alternatively, you can make use of the Blasphemous Blade ash of war to heal yourself when you create some distance. The Black Knife is also a really nice addition that will cut Godfrey's max health and apply a damage over time with the ash of war.
Strategy 2: Sorcerer
If you are going in solo, you need to be careful. Godfrey is quite capable of closing gaps and punishing you for using spells with long cast times. Make sure you use only quick spells so that you can stay mobile, even if it means whittling Godfrey down bit by bit with Glintstone Pebble. You can also stick to using defensive spells such as Carian Phalanx to deal damage while avoiding damage.
Strategy 3: Melee
Using a weapon that applies status effects will help immensely here. The Antspur Rapier can be infused to apply both Scarlet Rot and Poison, and is fast, making it an excellent option here.
If you prefer heavier weapons, there's a very easy method here. Bait out Godfrey's stomp attacks and avoid the damage by jumping, leading on into a jump attack. This is a consistent way to deal damage that will also stance break Godfrey quite quickly, allowing for a critical strike.
Phase 1:
Axe Swipe Combo: Godfrey attacks three times from his right, left and then left again. Dodge forwards through each strike to avoid the damage.
Smash: Godfrey performs a fairly fast overhead smash. May be followed up by the Axe Swipe Combo or another Smash. Dodge backwards or sideways to avoid the damage.
Dash Stomp: Godfrey will either stay stationary of dash forward and then perform a stomp, which sends a shockwave of spikes forward in a cone. You can avoid this most consistently by jumping when the raised leg goes down.
Earth Shatter: Godfrey will perform a stomp that will send out a very wide shockwave, dealing damage and staggering you. You can avoid all stomp attacks by jumping just as his raised leg starts to drop.
Phase 2:
Earth Shatter: Works the same way as phase 1, but Godfrey will now follow up by smashing the ground with one hand and then the other. The stomp and both hand slams will deliver separate shockwaves, each needing to be jumped over.
Grab Attack 1: Godfrey will dash or sprint forward and grab the player, throwing them high and then slamming them down, dealing massive damage and likely killing you. You can avoid this easily enough by dodging to the side. Dodging backwards can be risky as he may still connect the attack.
Grab Attack 2: Godfrey will raise his arm and attempt to grab the player, slamming them into the ground for high damage. The best way to avoid this is to dodge to the side of Godfrey and punish the attack.
Melee Combo: Godfrey will attack with multiple swipe attacks that deal quite high damage. Dodging backwards out of range is the most effective way of avoiding this. You can also dodge around to his side, since he doesn't have great tracking with this.
Kick: Godfrey will perform a fast kick that will knock you back. This can be done either forward or backwards, and is often followed up by a sweeping kick to catch you as you get back up.