How to Beat Gideon the All Knowing

14 April 2024 at 12:25:28
Health: 6,226
Resists: None
Weakness: Everything
Immune: Death Blight
35,000 Runes
All-Knowing Set
Scepter of the All-Knowing
Best Strategy
Gideon Ofnir is one of the easier end-game bosses if you know how to prepare and what to expect. If you don't know what's coming, he can easily be a devastating enemy to contend with. Here's how to beat him easily.
Strategy 1: Sorcerers
This can actually be an incredibly easy fight for sorcerers. Gideon himself is a sorcerer, meaning you can make use of the Eternal Darkness spell to counter almost every spell that Giden casts, making him very near useless against you. You can then feel free to pummel him with whatever you like.
Alternatively, Night Comet deals very high damage and counts as an invisible sorcery, meaning Gideon will not attempt to avoid the projectile, making for a short fight.
Strategy 2: Faith
Gideon Ofnir is susceptible to pretty much all status effects except for Death Blight, which is a shame because he deserves it. Regardless, you have some diversity to play with here.
You can make use of Frenzy incantations to deal very high damage and activate Madness, which Gideon is particularly susceptible, dealing bursts of damage and stunning him. This is a particularly good option, since the first time you enter Gideon will be performing an extended monologue, and you can simply walk up to him and cast Inescapable Frenzy on him, which he will not appreciate.
The wide, long range of dragon breath incantations make Gideon an easy target for scarlet rot with Rot Breath, and the high tracking potential of Swarm of Flies will easily chew through his health quickly.
Strategy 3: Melee
Melee users may feel like they have a slightly tougher time of things with Gideon, but that doesn't have to be the case. Make use of jump attacks to interrupt Gideon's spells, and use the Golden Retaliation skill on the Erdtree Greatshield to deflect Gideon's spells easily.
Heavier weapons have an easier time of things here. Gideon is a humanoid enemy, meaning he can be knocked back, stunned and "pancaked" by particularly large weapons such as the Greatsword, making him a prime target for getting stunlocked.
Comet Azur: Likely to destroy you if it connects. However, it has a massive wind-up and you can see it coming a mile off. Just dodge to the side and keep moving when it fires.
Rykard's Rancor: Casts a skull that leaves a flaming trail in its wake. Neither of these deal damage. The trail will then explode, starting near Gideon and continuing down its length. This part deals damage, and is easy to avoid.
Scarlet Aeonia: The same as Malenia's, but weaker. Still easy to avoid by creating some distance, and easy to punish with ranged attacks while Gideon recovers.
Triple Rings of Light: Gideon will throw three rings of light outwards in a fan. If you are at range, simply step between the rings as they travel, and don't get back in their path until they return. If you are close to Gideon when he casts this, circle round to be on the other side of him to avoid the return.
Knowledge Above All: Casts a resistance debuff on both you and himself, reducing magic and holy resistances. Use this as an opportunity to get some boosted damage in.
Comet: Gideon will cast a projectile at you that deals high damage. This is easily avoided as he will typically only use this when you are at medium range or further.
Law of Causality: Gideon's most annoying attack. He will cast a buff which causes him to explode outwards when hit five times thereafter. Being in melee range will make this difficult to deal with, so step back and use some arrows or throwing daggers to trigger the effect before closing back in.
Bloodboon: Gideon will cast a cone of blood flame that will deal damage and bleed buildup while you are in it. It comes out in a cone and can be avoided by dodging sideways.
Black Flame Ritual: Gideon will attempt to deny melee users opportunities to attack by creating black flame pillars around him that will persist for a while. Dodge back and wait for a new opportunity.
Carian Phalanx: Gideon will summon blades above him that will home in on you if you get too close. They all fire at once, so you can dodge them and continue your assault unhindered.