How to Beat Decaying Ekzykes

14 April 2024 at 12:38:51
Health: 27,700
Resists: Poison, Rot
Weakness: All, especially Fire
Immune: Madness, Sleep
38,000 Runes
Dragon Heart
Unlocks Ekzykes' Decay Incantation
Best Strategy
The Decaying Ekzykes is weak to almost every damage type except for the poison and scarlet rot status effects. He is not immune to these, but has very high resistance to them, so it isn't worth trying. The Decaying Ekzykes is particularly weak to fire, taking a massive double damage from all source of fire damage, so using this element will make this fight much easier, even if it is just simple fire grease.
The Decaying Ekzykes may be weak to almost all damage types, but he has a lot of health and deals a ton of damage, with the potential to one-shot with most of his attacks. He is also excellent at area denial and can cause scarlet rot buildup which, if you are inflicted, will pretty much spell death for you unless you have a cure handy.
Our strategy is simple. Stay at range and bait The Decaying Ekzykes' ranged rot breath attacks while using Torrent. When he starts to perform one of these attacks, sprint to his right wing (your left), position yourself behind it, and get as many hits in as you can while he completes his attack animation.
The fight will go a lot faster if you have any attacks that can deal additional bleed or frostbite buildup, and the faster the weapon the better.
If you rinse and repeat this strategy, you will find that this potentially very challenging boss can actually be quite trivial. Attempting to fight him in melee range is the same as any other dragon, however you may find yourself contend with a surprisingly difficult time avoiding the clouds of scarlet rot that The Decaying Ekzykes can create.
Rot Breath: The Decaying Ekzykes will let out a stream of rot breath in a straight line, tracking your location. When you see him beginning this attack, use Torrent to quickly charge in to your left hand side to attack Ekzykes' right wing from behind. You will be safe from his breath attack here, and can get multiple hits in.
Rot Breath Sweep: The Decaying Ekzykes will let out a stream of rot breath from one side to the other, starting on your right and ending on your left. Similar to above, this is an opportune moment to get some hits in on his right wing (your left).
Pounce: The Decaying Ekzykes will fly up into the air before pouncing down on you with his back claws. This has decent tracking, but if you create enough distance and keep running backwards, he will land short of your location.
Bite: The Decaying Ekzykes may perform a bite attack from one side to the next and then back again. Dodge backwards a few times to create some distance.
Head Swipe: The Decaying Ekzykes will let out a roar before charging forward a few steps and swiping his head from one side to the other. Dodge backwards a few times to create distance, or if you can't do this fast enough, dodge forwards and run beneath him.
Rotten Mist: The Decaying Ekzykes can breath downwards onto the floor with rotten breath. This will either create a small mist of scarlet rot, or a large one that engulfs almost the entire arena. If you see him looking directly downwards, run far away.
Stop: If you are in melee range, The Decaying Ekzykes may stomp his claw forward, dealing high damage and creating a mist of scarlet rot.
Wing Slam: The Decaying Ekzykes can perform a similar attack to his stop, but instead with his wing, slamming it forward and creating a mist of scarlet rot.
Tail Swipe: Try not to stay behind The Decaying Ekzykes too much. He can perform a tail swipe in a wide arc that will deal incredibly high damage, making it impractical to consistently deal damage from behind.