How to Beat Astel, Naturalborn of the Void

14 April 2024 at 12:39:58
Health: 11,200
Resists: Holy, Fire, Magic, Lightning
Weakness: Physical (all)
Immune: Madness, Sleep
80,000 Runes
Remembrance of the Naturalborn
Best Strategy
Astel has medium resistance to all elemental types and status effects, but poison and rot can be inflicted without too much extra effort than usual. However, the best strategies include aiming for the head. With all strategies, when you first enter the fight, you will need to dodge the laser beam at the last minute. Similarly, the meteor storm at about 60% health can be avoided by repeatedly dodging to the left, avoiding all hits.
Strategy 1: Melee
Staying close to Astel's head is important. It has three types of attacks, each of which can be uniformly dodged in a specific way.
Any biting attack, indicated by Astel's mandibles quivering or glowing purple, can be avoided by getting underneath his head and neck, where you can continue dealing some damage. The same goes for tail slams, indicated by a raised tail, and tail stabs, indicated by the tip of its tail quivering like a rattlesnake.
Astel's downward slam gravity shockwave attacks can be avoided by moving backwards away from Astel until the coast is clear, and then moving in again to continue the assault.
Astel's swiping nebula arm attacks that leave a trail of cosmic energy can be avoided by dodging the initial swipe forward and getting underneath Astel's head and neck to avoid the following explosion.
As long as you stay aggressive and keep dealing damage to Astel's head, this fight will go quickly. You will even get multiple opportunities to perform a critical attack against the eye peering out from Astel's skull, since the head also takes very high posture damage.
Having a high-damage Ash of War on your weapon can make this go very quickly. The Lion's Claw Ash of War on any large weapon will deal massive damage if it connects on Astel's head. Similarly, jump attacks when dual wielding large, high-damage weapons, twinblades or curved swords will shred Astel's head very quickly.
Strategy 2: Caster
Astel can be trivialised by an Intelligence caster by use of Rock Sling, a high-damage spell of multiple projectiles that deals physical damage instead of magic damage, meaning Astel resists it less as it is. This also deals very high posture damage, locks onto Astel's head nicely, and doesn't take too long to cast, meaning it will be perfectly capable of shredding Astel before it has chance to do much at all.
An alternative method is Spiral Shard, which deals multiple ticks of damage the longer it is in contact with an enemy, travelling through them. Large enemies like Astel are perfect for this. You can charge Spiral Shard for more damage, so using the Godfrey Icon in combination with magic buffs such as the Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear and Magic Scorpion Charm will make short work of Astel.
Finally, as with all bosses, Night Comet is very strong, can be charged for more damage, and is buffed by having one or two of the Staff of Loss equipped. This is fast to cast and deals tremendous damage for how simple it is - just be sure to use all of the aforementioned magic-damage buffs.
Strategy 3: Madness
This one is a bit more of a gimmick, but incredibly effective if you can pull it off. It is capable of slaying Astel and many other bosses in one spell cast, but you'll need a few things to pull it off.
1: Unendurable Frenzy: This is the focus of this approach - it is a Frenzy incantation that deals incredibly damage, can be continuously cast, and builds Madness up on the player, meaning you will need high Focus to cast it for long.
2: Cerulean Hidden Tear: This will be needed to consistently cast the Unendurable Frenzy incantation at no cost, meaning you can nuke Astel down quickly.
3: Focus-Boosting Gear: The Clarifying Horn Charm +1, Spiralhorn Shield, Corhyn's robe, Mushroom arms and legs and Great Hood will all boost Focus the most, but if you don't have access to these, anything with a high Focus boosting stat will help.
4: Golden Vow: This is a valuable buff that will increase your damage output and resistances. This will help to put Astel down before the Unendurable Frenzy incantation is finished.
5: Flame, Grant Me Strength: Increases the damage of fire attacks. This will help with Unendurable Frenzy, which deals very high flame damage.
6: Frenzy Seal: Use this in the off-hand and don't cast with it; it will still boost the damage over Unendurable Frenzy.
7: Erdtree Seal: This is the highest faith scaling seal, and will help you deal more damage.
8: Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear: This will boost your overall fire damage output, which will increase the damage of Unendurable Frenzy by a lot.
9: High Faith and Mind: Having high Faith will increase your overall damage output, and having high Mind will boost both your Focus and your mana pool, meaning you will be able to cast Unendurable Frenzy for longer.
Once you have this build set up, all you need to do is buff up, enter the fight, avoid the laser beam, and wait for Astel to perform his leaping swipe. Then start casting Unendurable Frenzy while locked onto Astel's head, moving yourself slowly to make sure Astel is taking as many hits from the projectiles as possible. This will absolutely melt Astel's health, will likely stun it, and will end the fight quickly.
Gravity Waves: This comes in a few different forms, but all are treated the same. Astel will summon orbs on his arms and slam them down on the ground, either from his current position or after raising into the air. All of these must be avoided by dodging backwards repeatedly until you are out of range.
Laser Beam: Always cast when you enter the arena, and whenever you are at long range. Astel will charge an orb in front of his face that will fire a fast-moving, highly-damaging laser beam. This can one shot players that haven't invested much into health.
Biting Grab Attack: Astel's mandibles will glow purple with gravity magic before it lunges forwards in an attempt to grab you. If you are caught by this, it will likely kill you. Dodge backwards as Astel lunges.
Grab Attack: Astel may teleport away, appearing above you and attempting to grab you with his claws. Again, this will likely kill you if you are caught, so dodge when you see the arms coming for you - if you dodge too early, Astel will still catch you.
Tail Slam: When you are at a medium distance, Astel will raise his tail high and slam it down twice forwards. This has deceptive range and a large hitbox than it seems, but can be avoided by dodging forward for each strike.
Tail Stab: Astel will attempt to stab at you with its tail multiple times if you are a few feet in front of its face. This is telegraphed by the tip of its tail raising forward above its head and shaking like a rattlesnake, and can be dodged by making some distance or getting beneath Astel's head to get some damage in.
Gravity Blast: Astel will create a field of anti-gravity in an area that will capture the player before blasting them onto the ground for very high damage. This is telegraphed by Astel glowing pink, so be sure to get out of range when this happens.
Meteorite: From around 60% health onwards, Astel may occasionally teleport away and raise his wings with a roar. Multiple portals will appear above Astel, and after a delay, start spewing many meteorites in your direction. When these start getting close, just keep dodging to the left until the spell stops and you will be fine.
Bite: Astel may tilt its head sideways before attempting to bite the player up to three times. This deals pretty high damage, but is pretty easy to avoid by dodging backwards a few times.
Nebula: Astel's arms may glow before it performs a swipe, which will deal decent damage. The path of the swipe will leave a cloud of small starts which, after a delay, will begin to explode in the direction that the swipe moved. Dodge forward and get under Astel's head to get some damage in while the attack animation finishes.